China Semiconductor International Conference (CSTIC) during Semicon @ March 12-14, 2017
CSTIC 2017, one of the largest and the most comprehensive annual semiconductor technology conferences in China and Asia since 2000. Organized by SEMI and IEEE-EDS , co-organized by IMEC and ICMTIA(The Integrated circuit Materials Industry Technology Innovation Alliance), and co-sponsored by ECS, MRS and CEMIA(the China Electronics Materials Industry Association), CSTIC 2017 will be held March 12-13, 2017 in Shanghai, China, in conjunction with SEMICON China 2017. The conference will have ten symposia cover all aspects of semiconductor technology with focus on manufacturing and advanced technology, including detail manufacturing processes, devices design, integration, materials, and equipment, as well as emerging semiconductor technologies, circuit design, and silicon material applications. Hot topics, such as memory technology, 3D integration, MEMS and Photovoltaic Technology will also be addressed in the conference.
Date and Venue
March 12-13, 2017
Shanghai International Convention Center
上海国际会议中心 中国上海浦东滨江大道2727号
No.2727 Riverside Avenue Pudong, Shanghai 200120, China
ASMPT paper presentation:
- Symposium VII: Packaging and Assembly
- Session VI, Session chair: Dr. Tim Bao
- Monday, March 13, 2017 Shanghai International Convention Center
- Meeting Room: 5B+5C
- 15:55-16:10 V-DOE Laser Full Cut Dicing of Thin Si IC wafers
- Speaker: t.b.c. , ASMPT Laser Separation International B.V.